stevelewissaab for all saab parts
stevelewissaab for all saab parts
01955 621955
classic 900 - 9000 - 9 3 9 5 v4 2 stroke

Leather dye for SAAB models
Clean the leather. Preferably with our cleaner, contact us for information. Use a small brush such as one you would clean underneath your finger nails. The cleaner may become dry whilst cleaning the seat so re-agitate by brushing again with a wet brush.
Wipe clean with paper towel and repeat until satisfied. This process will ensure the closest match possible by bringing the seat colour to as original a colour as possible. Do not be fooled by what looks clean, it may have a film of “something” all over it.
If the leather is dry then condition them by applying our conditioner, available with and without the “smell of traditional English leather”. Massage in with a cloth or by hand and leave overnight. Then wipe with a damp cloth to remove excess conditioner.
You can now apply colour with the sponge or with a spray gun. LIGHT applications and several hours between each application. DO NOT be too keen to cover the damage, the colour will cover the damage eventually.
You can apply to the “bruise” or to the whole panel for whatever is felt the best effect.
In cracks you can apply the colour into the crack and then leave for a few minutes and then wipe over with a damp cloth. This will remove new colour from good leather and leave it in the crack. Leave for a few hours and re-apply, thus filling the unsightly crack into a natural “crease”.
Contact 01955 6219555 / 44 1955 621955 for further support
This is my 9000 Griffin seat - it had been loaned to someone and black dye from their trousers had leached into the seat. Cleaned (picture is after being cleaned) and conditioned ... then sprayed with sand beige leather colour

SAAB models are fairly easy to identify a colour once I know what the model and the year is
Essentially it runs something like this
SAAB classic 900
Buffalo grey - by far the most common colour in the classic 900 range - often described as black leather but is in fact nowhere near black.
Dover grey - a mid grey and most common on cars between 1991 and 1993. It was supplied on 900 special edition iridium blue models from approx 1990 as well.
Sand beige - not available until at least 1991 and not very commonly installed
Arizona tan - the tan you will see on black classic 900's between 1984 and 1991 .. also a common colour There is a sierra tan but it looks very similar to me and may be merely a name change
Colorado red - if it's red in colour - then this is it... particularly common in early classic 900 convertibles in silver black and white
Marine blue - not very common at all but does exist
Nevada brown - I think I have only seen 1 or 2 cars and there is no match on file currently
SAAB 9000 - all models
Arizona - see above
Buffalo - see above
Marine blue - see above
Colorado red - see above
Pamir - a colour available approx 1993 - 1994 and seen on griffin models of the period
Sand beige - a really popular colour and I identify by suggesting it is like white sand rather than orange sand
c 1994 0nwards
Rocky Black Very common on 9000 aero models and saab 9000 anniversary models
Dover grey 1993 - 1998 models
Alpaca Beige - the second colour on anniversary and aero models that include sand beige - it is the darker colour
a blue colour on aero models - for the stripes
Rocky black - see above
sand beige - see above
dover grey - see above
SAAB 9 3 1st generation
Rocky black - see above
Light beige - the replacement for sand beige but is orangey in shade
SAAB 9 5
1998 - 2003
Rocky black
Light beige
2003 - 2009
light beige
charcoal grey
parchment - nearly white but actually a very light grey
There also appears to be possibly a sand beige on late models that is more like saab 9000 sand - but not on file currently
SAAB 9 3 2nd generation
As per SAAB 9 5